
Charts about WASTED FOOD

Reminder ⟺ The results of this chart are recorded globally including Malaysia.

This chart shows total food losses in households, retail, and food service, from eggs at 2% to fresh fruits and vegetables at 22%. (Source: Journal of Consumer Affairs) Plant products make up 44% of the food wasted, animal products 39%, and sweeteners, fats, and oils make up the rest. You might be tempted by this chart to switch from fresh produce to canned or frozen. Please don’t until you check the next chart.


Reminder ⟺ The results of this chart are recorded globally including Malaysia.

The Food Waste Effect chart shows the percentage of food wasted in each category as shown in the previous chart above times the full life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions for a food. (Source: Meat-Eater’s Guide to Climate Change and Health by the Environmental Working Group)

It shows that the most effective way to reduce food waste is to focus on lamb, beef, cheese, pork, and salmon. Either don’t buy these products at all or make sure to use what little you do buy. Even small scraps from a restaurant meal are worth bringing home to use as a garnish or flavoring if they replace meat you otherwise would have purchased.

Eggs have the lowest Food Waste Effect score because only 2% are wasted and industrial egg facilities are brutally efficient. The crowded hens are often fed the by-products from other operations, including “meal” made from feathers, bone, blood, or fish. Despite the low score, I don’t recommend eating eggs for health reasons and out of concern for the chickens, including male chicks who are killed shortly after they hatch. If you do eat eggs, please get them from backyard chickens or from pastured chickens who live on an integrated sustainable farm. Milk also has a relatively low FWE score but raises similar concerns.

➠ For more info, please visit this corresponding website

➠ Overall, graphs and pie charts are showing enormously results about food waste made by humans themselves.

Alright. There are plenty of reasons behind this food waste tragedies. Please click the link below to check them out !

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