

What are the hopes, wishes to reduce this FOOD WASTING?

Creating more APPs to reduce food waste
  • A new app's being launched to try reduce the 50,000 tonnes of food waste thrown out in New Zealand each year.
  • The Foodprint app allows consumers to purchase surplus food from Central Auckland eateries otherwise destined for the trash at a reduced cost
  • Founder Michal Garvey told Francesca Rudkin it's about keeping good food out of the landfill.
  • As on commentators opinions, they wished that more apps like this is created to resolve these head-scratching problem.

    Launching more online marketplaces
    • Launched in February 2014
    • Online Marketplace utilizes technology to safely, quickly and effectively recover excess food from local food service outlets.
    • Online Marketplace directly connects potential donors to meal service programs and food pantries. First, new donors are educated on donation protocol, such as food safety guidelines and standard operating procedures. Next, they are connected with their nearest food bank, which directs them to local food pantries and meal programs to which they can directly donate.
    • Currently, Online Marketplace is projected to recover 740 million more meals per year for people in need. Feeding America recently received a $1.6 million Google Global Impact Award for using technology to fight hunger. This money will allow the program to expand and feed even more people.
    • Viewiers wish to see more online marketplaces being held to donate lots of unused foods.

      Organizing campaigns about food waste
      • To mark this year’s World Food Day on Oct 16, Mission Foods and celebrity chef Sarah Benjamin have partnered up by launching the “Foldover Your Leftovers” campaign to combat food wastage in the country at restaurant La Juiceria Superfoods Signature, Kuala Lumpur.
      • The campaign revisits the old saying of “waste not want not” and aims to inspire people with ideas on how to turn leftovers into brand new nutritious meals.
      • Although campaigns are being held, food waste is still a jaw-dropping problem towards the society and the earth.
      ↬ For more information, please visit these corresponding websites
      ↳ https://www.thestar.com.my/metro/metro-news/2018/10/22/minimising-food-waste-through-leftovers-campaign
      ↳ https://borgenproject.org/online-marketplace-reducing-food-waste/

      ↬ To put it together, food wastage can't be resolved if not taken further action nor inspired ideas as well as wishes and hopes to reduce food wasting.

      To put it short, hopes and wishes towards food wastage are much needed. This is because cooperation and support from the eyes of the society are much needed for the government to reduce food waste. Not much being said, let's jump straight to the conclusions.
      Conclusions of FOOD WASTE

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