
Reasons for FOOD WASTAGE

Why are food being wasted?

1. Badly prepared food

This is probably the major reason why most homes waste food regularly. No offense to moms out there, but sometimes we all tend to throw away food that tastes bad. When the food cooking process is bad, the next alternative or solution is to throw the resultant meal into the trash can.

Example of badly prepared food

2. Food that has passed its use date

These are mostly processed foods that have exceeded the proposed expiry date. We eventually throw them away due to the fear of cancer and other health risks we could be exposed to if we consume such food. Examples are dairy foods, fish, meat, etc.

3. Leftovers

Yes! most times, we tend to take more food than our stomach can actually carry and we eventually get filled up while eating and discard the leftover since nobody else in the house would be willing to continue with the food we have messed up.

4. Partially used food

This category of waste is similar to leftovers, in fact, they can be described as leftovers which end up in the fridge but never gets re-used again. We all know where such kind of food eventually ends up.

5. Refrigerated food

This category of food waste in the home are those that could have been useful but unfortunately now smell bad, taste bad, look bad due to poor management. To the trash, here we go!!

6. Change of plans

Sometimes, we change plans as regards the food the family intended to eat and we end up wasting the food the family was going to eat in the first place.

7. Unplanned Parties and Celebrations

It is really good to celebrate and party every once in a while but we also need to take into consideration, the amount of food waste that come along with such a lifestyle.

Types of Food Waste at each level

Food waste can occur in any stage possible. Stages such as agriculture production, post-harvest handling and storage, processing, distribution and consumption as in Supply Chain tends to be the issue to food loss and wastage.
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⇛ In a nutshell, food is becoming a waste due to lots of reasons mentioned above. Sadly, festive seasons tend to become the main reason behind this too such as CNY, Ramadan, Deepavali and much more.

Yup! There are a lot of festive seasons in different countries even in Malaysia. So, it is not excluded to be the main reason behind this wastage. In my opinion, Chinese New Year in Malaysia is the festive season who waste a lot of food. Before mentioning the reason behind it, introducing about it is needed. Please click the link below to check it out!